
Information on city government, businesses, visitors and more! If you’re looking to re-locate to Fort Smith, AR start here!


This is where the New South meets the Old West! In Fort Smith, visitors are able to relive 200 years of history, explore a diverse natural landscape, and discover modern attractions and amenities inside of America’s original gateway to The Wild West.


As Fort Smith’s online Hub for “things to do,” this website provides a comprehensive look at area activities, festivals, live music and much more! Things promoted here are not only from Fort Smith, but also our entire region! #lovefortsmithoutloud


64.6 is a nonprofit committed to building vibrant spaces in Arkansas. Formed in 2015, 64.6 was created to mobilize place-making in Fort Smith and Arkansas through the establishment of innovative and creative spaces, events and activities


Center of the country. Crossroads to the coast. Connections by air, rail, road, and river. A region nearly half a million people call home. Two states. One alliance promoting an ideal place to live, work, and play.


RAM originated in 1948 under the Arkansas Association of University Women. In 1951 the Associated Artists of Fort Smith began exhibiting art and holding classes in various locations throughout Fort Smith.


Looking to move your business to our region? Here’s a great place to start! brings you the best in living, working and playing in Fort Smith!